New Appointment Will Benefit Kāpiti, Porirua

Heather Hutchings, Chair of the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce has been appointed as Chair of the Advisory Board of the Porirua Chamber of Commerce, to strengthen business growth in the two districts.

Heather Hutchings says she will be working closely with the Wellington Chamber of Commerce to advocate for businesses in Porirua and Kāpiti.

“There are unprecedented opportunities for growth across the Wellington region – especially in Porirua and Kāpiti, with Transmission Gully due to open next year. We need to drive more collaboration between our business communities, to ensure we can make the most of geographical closeness, which will be further reduced when the new road opens.”

Heather Hutchings says Porirua and Kāpiti both have challenges to meet, particularly around infrastructure.

“Communities in Mana, through to Otāki are considering how they meet the challenges of growing their local business districts with major roading projects taking the majority of travellers off local roads. I believe by sharing expertise across both districts we will be able to confidently meet these challenges.”

“I’m looking forward to advocating for our regional businesses, ensuring Kāpiti and Porirua are great places to live, work and play”, says Heather Hutchings.

The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce exists to advance the economy by creating wealth and employment and solve local business issues by providing a collective voice for business in Kāpiti. Over 300 members in Kāpiti belong to the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce to stay connected, network and gain knowledge and support from our local membership.

For more information, please contact:

Heather Hutchings, Kāpiti Chamber Chair | 021 0696143 | [email protected]

Jacinda Thorn, Public Relations | 027 3970616 | [email protected]