Women in Business

Women In Business (WIB) operates under the umbrella of the Kāpiti Chamber. It provides networking for women who own their own business or those who work within an organisation, and for those who support women in business.

Our Purpose

  • Support business women to grow and expand their businesses
  • Provide an opportunity to meet with like-minded women
  • Tap into support, knowledge and experience
  • Provide personal and professional development including inspirational guest speakers
  • Offer the opportunity to profile and network

Our Committee

Heather Knewstubb | Timegenie | [email protected]

Jo Stewart | Bayleys | [email protected]

Emily Lester | Kāpiti Virtual Assistant | [email protected]

Amber Ferguson | Wham Bam Events | [email protected]

Monica Turner | Toi Mahara Gallery | [email protected]

Angela Torr | Studio Brio| [email protected]

Kāpiti Women in Business would like to invite you to their Coffee Connections

These are going to be held the last Friday of every month. They are very casual events, pop in for a quick chat or stay the whole time. Bring friends, work colleagues, your business cards/brochures, and take this opportunity to make new connections.

Due to the current Covid restrictions and the Cafe needing to control the number of attendees we are asking people to pre-register. You can do this via the events page on the website.