Kāpiti, 26 February 2020 –
Kāpiti’s businesses are quietly confident entering 2020, with the business community welcoming news Transmission Gully is due to open in November.
The Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce recently surveyed its members and businesses operating in the region and found 46% of respondents expected the economy to get better over the next 12 months, and 69.7% are confident in their own business outlook over the next year.
Jacinda Thorn, Chair of the Kāpiti Chamber, says 2020 is a pivotal year for Kāpiti, and it’s pleasing to see businesses are starting the year on a positive note.
“Transmission Gully due to open in November, and the confirmed funding for four lanes from Ōtaki to Levin provides certainty to local businesses, and we look forward to seeing the flow-on effects of these two significant projects. Now, we want our businesses to start thinking ahead about how they can make the most of these new connections south and north.
“The latest data from Infometrics shows our economic growth was half the rate of New Zealand’s in 2019, and our productivity declined. We need to leverage infrastructure like Transmission Gully and start planning now.
“A study commissioned by the Kāpiti Coast District Council in 2017 found there were immediate benefits to the local economy when the Kāpiti Expressway opened, with a 22.2% jump at Kāpiti Landing/Te Roto area – this means more money is being spent in our local businesses, so imagine what Transmission Gully will do,” says Jacinda Thorn.
Angela Buswell, Kāpiti Coast Councillor responsible for Economic Development, says the long-waited for Economic Development Strategy is near completion.
“A working group, including the Chamber, Council staff and community stakeholders have spent over 12 months refreshing our plan, and we’re hoping it will be signed by the Council next month.
“There’s a positive feeling amongst the community, particularly with Te Raukura Ti Kāpiti opening last week. This project was supported by many local businesses which shows the collective power of our business community. We’re excited about the future,” says Angela Buswell.